Hello world!

Wow what a journey to completely build a website (almost) from the ground up and bring it to life. It all started as a vague vision for me to document and share about my self host hobby.

Over the course of 8 months or so, I have brought up and teared down my whole infrastructure from bare-metal linux server to raspberry pi clusters to the final virtualized container set up with proxmox and lxc/docker.

The final product of the very words you’re reading right now are streamed off a mini nuc pc sitting inside of my closet with a modest 30W power consumption. It currently hosted about 80 services such as home automation, file sharing, and media entertainment server. Hopefully overtime I will be able to write and share about my knowledge of each wonderful software.

For the self-host blog, it is currently based on a proxmox container’s (lxc) wordpress docker, proxied through nginx (local) and cloudflare (remote) through my google domain (mrhsu.education). My internal network is firewalled by opnsese with both intrusion detect system (suricata) and packet analysis engine (zenarmor) in addition to dns block softwares (pihole and adguard home). All external facing services (wordpress, homeassistant) are locked behind a TOTP (time-based one-time password) 2 factor authentication.

My goal is to eventually document every I learned through separate blogs. For now, hopefully some of the above technical jargon might might peek your interests in joining the wonderful world of self-hosted home servers.

All the awesome services that I hosted on my home server!

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